
We continue to interact each day with community members, administration, teachers, staff and students. The youth have been learning to balance water on their heads as they are included on the daily activities for cooking and washing. The Nursery class was taught a new song and the youth practiced counting 1-10 in swahilli. The class then sang and taught our youth a new song that taught body parts in a fun way.

The Music Teacher is making rapid strides with several students on the keyboard.

The older classes participated in a letter writing project that will be sent to President Obama of the USA. They shared about their community and the youth who wish to have education and tribal peace. Our youth empowered this idea and it was greeted with great response especially when the two teachers and Head Mistress received President Obama t-shirts.

The Head Mistress brought the teachers together for introduction and a round table format with our mission professional teacher. Ideas were expressed of the challenges and the hope for progress to each classroom.

The youth shared a first-ever stamping art project with the Standard 5-6 classes. It was met with curiosity and willingness and the outcome is beautiful creative cards.

The Ngochoni Petals of Africa School will have full solar power installed by weekend.