The Masai Mara lion.

A family of baboons.

Father and son enjoy the mission and newfound experiences in the mara.

The elephant population is abundant in the mara.

Can you find our new friend on the banks of the Mara River?

Mom and daughter witness a mother lioness resting in the branch of the fig tree while her 1 year old male son sits beneath her in the grass.

These students were given their first-ever taxi ride as they were on the road to Petals.

The blackboards were painted anew bringing quality to the daily learning for the students.

Our last moments at Ngochoni Petals of Africa School.

Jared, Board Member (Luo tribe), his wife Helen and Noel, grade 8

On the road to Petals each morning we are always greeted by these neighboring children on the rock. After rains through the night we awake to sunshine and passable roads.

We leave Migori with new friendships.

We arrive in Masai Mara to share ideas post-youth mission.

Kathy visits with parent Stella from the Luo tribe who walked 5 kilometers from her farm to greet us. Her daughter is in Grade 7.

The soccer match begins against a neighboring public school.

Saturday play on school campus.

Grade 8 students recite the pledge of Kenya before soccer match.

Peter Nyamohanga Maroa, Chairman of the Board (Kuria tribe) receives visitor at Petals. He has two girl children attending in grade 7 and grade 6.

Happy parent, Peter, with daughters Mariam and Belita.

Music Teacher Stacey and best student Alvins, Grade 8 and teacher Lameck, grade 4-8 continue private lessons.

Frisbee Fun!

Head Mistress Lillian shares ideas.

The girls football team won 1-0 during their match today. The girls on the team are hard-working, graceful and precise. They look forward some day for soccer uniforms to match their gameskirt. And for more footballs to practice and for games. Ushindi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The boys soccer team won their match 2-1. The goals brought screams of joy and running on the field by the spectators. They are also a hard-working team. They would like soccer nets which will keep the balls from going off campus. They also want to uniforms for game day. Ushindi!!!!!!!!!

Donated books are welcomed.
We continue to interact each day with community members, administration, teachers, staff and students. The youth have been learning to balance water on their heads as they are included on the daily activities for cooking and washing. The Nursery class was taught a new song and the youth practiced counting 1-10 in swahilli. The class then sang and taught our youth a new song that taught body parts in a fun way.
The Music Teacher is making rapid strides with several students on the keyboard.
The older classes participated in a letter writing project that will be sent to President Obama of the USA. They shared about their community and the youth who wish to have education and tribal peace. Our youth empowered this idea and it was greeted with great response especially when the two teachers and Head Mistress received President Obama t-shirts.
The Head Mistress brought the teachers together for introduction and a round table format with our mission professional teacher. Ideas were expressed of the challenges and the hope for progress to each classroom.
The youth shared a first-ever stamping art project with the Standard 5-6 classes. It was met with curiosity and willingness and the outcome is beautiful creative cards.
The Ngochoni Petals of Africa School will have full solar power installed by weekend.

“Mzungu” Kyle rides to Petals Kenyan-style with 7 in our taxi as our kind driver Kennis gets us through the backshish traffic police stop.

“Sing a melody in my heart”

Singing and dancing with the kindergarten class.

The art stamping project with Standard 5 is a success.

Teachers on break outside Staff Room at Petals. Patrick, Std 5, Oguta, Std 6, Christine, Std 2, Zachary, Std 8, Thomas, Std 1

Teacher to teacher share ideas. Kathy with Peter, Std 3

A gathering to share the vision of the school and its hope to progress.

Teachers gather to share ideas with guests.

Students working alongside students.
The music teacher begins private lessons.

The youth share the letters from their American pen pals and friends at Petals write back.

Field trip to bridge for students to see excavator during bridge construction.
We arrived to bring the children on a field trip to see the construction of the new bridge. The community has hoped for this since 1963, and Ngochoni Petals of Africa School has wanted this since its inception as an idea in 1997. This will facilitate many needs to cross the river during the rainy season. The foreman, George, needs the bridge completed in 40 days! This is a government project. The youth ate wild berries and fruit on the long walk back to the school.

The Music Teacher “Stacey” taught each class and student how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Following this Melody and Rachel greeted them with two brand new pencils. Afterwards, the music teacher continued tutoring private students, and Rachel helped with volleyball, and Melody taught basketball.
As one youth stated, “the atmosphere is so much love”.

Keyboard introduced to students. The Head Mistress loved it.

Youth pencil drive from USA shared with students.

This is Angelo. He is our cook each meal. We are very grateful.
We were greeted in song “Welcome to Petals.” The students, teachers, administrators and staff all greeted us around the flagpole in prayer, in song, in welcome. A very special feeling came over all of us. Synergy.

We quickly unloaded donations and became familiar with the campus. The youth began playing soccer at the first break of school. The youth then began repainting the monument entry sign. Lunch for us was prepared alongside Lilian, the Headmistress. One of the tasks was sorting beans. Lunch was delicious.
As one youth expressed “It was so great to see Lilian in her environment as Head Mistress, teacher, mother. And, how good it is to have time to get to know her husband and Administrator, Fred.”

One of the new expressions near the school which we walked to is a police station. It will be occupied in two weeks, and it overlooks the school and brings harmony and peacekeeping to the borders of the two tribes whose children attend the school.
In days to come we will share the first pictures of the contruction of the bridge.